‘Wore it Deep’- The Tree Ring

A lot of times I will like a video plenty, but rarely will I find a video that so exquisitely captures the feel of the song that it ingrains an image in my mind that will play each time I hear the song. That’s what has happened with the below video of ‘Wore it Deep’ by The Tree Ring. I wrote a bit last week about another affecting gem from band titled ‘ Dreams Where I Am Sleeping,’ and since then this song and video have been haunting me.

‘Wore It Deep’ is a lovely, lush song (like most on their debut album), with the droning organ, sweeping strings and sparse bells wrapping the song around you like a warm blanket during its nearly 5 minute runtime. The song speaks of the effect the environment around us can have on how we experience our lives, and that last line of ‘Buried in moments between moments / Is the color of hope’ comes through as especially rich. The video compliments the feel of the song, with the dimly lit attic concert building in warmhearted intensity until the buckets of paper are tipped over and the perfect snow-like effect takes over for the last verse.

Make sure you check out The Tree Ring’s debut album Generous Shadows. It’s an album that’s going to sound better and better as the temps begin their descent. Enjoy.

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